Melissa Bosma
Oboe and English horn

Ducks in a Row Reedmaking Camp Information
Thank you for your interest in Ducks in a Row: Reedmaking Camp! This will answer many questions about camp and instruction.
A little bit about me...
I am the Adjunct Instructor of Oboe at Heidelberg University, where I perform with the faculty woodwind quintet. I moved to Ann Arbor five years ago to pursue my Master of Music in Oboe Performance, and have devoted my energy towards building a studio of happy, healthy, and successful oboists. In addition, I teach masterclasses throughout the state of Michigan, and perform frequently with groups in the tri-state area. These groups include the Toledo Symphony, Fort Wayne Philharmonic, Michigan Philharmonic, Arbor Opera Theatre, and more. I have a passion for teaching and am excited to grow Ducks in a Row in the future!
Why “Ducks in a Row?”
The name started as a nickname for myself and three other oboists during a summer of study at the Music Academy of the West. In addition to being very competitive and driven oboists, we developed a friendship not frequently seen between people who play our instrument. We realized that so much of our work as oboists is done along (practicing, reedmaking, more reedmaking, etc), and that there should be a greater emphasis on camaraderie and bonding with other musicians. I hope to grow Ducks in a Row and expand it to include oboe camps, reedmaking camps, and masterclasses. The goal of these camps is to become a better musician and reedmaker while making friends and finding an outlet in which to share our successes and failures as musicians.
Camp Information
There will be multiple sessions of camp for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced reedmakers. The sessions will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday (no Wednesday!) of the scheduled week for three hours.
Beginner Sessions:
Week of June 27- July 1 1 pm- 4 pm
Week of July 11-15 9 am -12 pm
Week of July 18-22 1 pm- 4 pm
Week of August 1-5 9 am -12 pm
Intermediate Sessions:
Week of July 25-29 9am-12 pm
Advanced Sessions:
Week of July 18-22 9 am- 12 pm
Week of August 1-5 1 pm- 4 pm
Reed Adjustment Seminar: New for 2016!
June 30- July 1 9 am - 12 pm
July 7-8 9 am- 12 pm
July 11-12 1 pm- 4 pm
July 14-15 1 pm - 4 pm
*If there is more interest in any of the camps, additional dates may be added.
Camp Descriptions
This camp is designed for the oboist with little to no experience holding a knife and scraping reeds. We will cover how to scrape, adjusting finished reeds, knife sharpening, and how to tie on and make a reed from start to finish.
This camp is designed for the oboist who has some experience scraping and tying on reeds, but isn’t regularly able to play on their own reeds yet. In this session we will go more in depth with scraping and finishing a reed.
This camp is designed for the oboist who has scraped, tied on, and possibly been able to play on reeds they have made. This student needs minimal supervision in tying a reed, and we will focus more on finishing a reed and producing many finished reeds by the end of the week.
Reed Adjustment Seminar New for 2016!
This is a two-day seminar for the student who is ready to begin the scraping process but not quite ready to tie on reeds. This seminar will provide the students with the knowledge and skills needed to diagnose and adjust a reed that is not behaving to their liking
Ducks in a Row will take place at my studio in Ann Arbor, MI. My studio is based out of my apartment where I have large reedmaking desks, and ample room for everyone’s tools and reed equipment.
Cost, Deposit, and Deadline:
Each one week (4 day) session of camp will be $100 for a first-time camper. Returning campers will have a camp fee of $80. The Reed Adjustment Seminar (2 days) is $40.
This can be paid by cash or check to Melissa Bosma. Please include “Ducks in a Row” in the memo line. This will include 3 hours worth of instruction for each day of camp and a binder full of handouts, reedmaking tips, and more. To enroll in camp, you must submit a completed registration form and a $40 non-refundable deposit by June 1. The remaining $40 of camp fee will be due by July 1st. Each session is capped at 5 students, and I will accept registration by a first come, first serve basis. *All sessions require at least 3 students to form a class. If a class does not meet the required enrollment amount, your deposit will be returned to you.

The original Ducks in a Row!